In middle school I developed the nickname, Wednesday. In case you're not familiar it was the favorite sarcastic Addams Family character. I didn't just get the nickname due to my clever quips and raven dark hair, I developed it from my pale, pale skin. Now of course, all skin colors are beautiful but I dreamed of a dark and tawny tan... In fact in LA once, on set of a TV show, I was actually pulled out of a scene because my ultra pale skin was pulling the camera's attention from the main actors. I believe the phrase was something along the lines of, "Can we get Casper out of the shot please...?" Living in Los Angeles I looked around and saw all these amazing tanned people and developed an expensive Spray Tanning habit. Spray tanning can be really pricey. Cheaper memberships to booths can run you $80-$100 a month at least, and to have someone spray you is at least 40. I searched and searched for the perfect items to complete this process at home......
I'm a fashion fan from Kansas City who may have more shoes than Imelda Marcos